SEAL (Strength, Energy, Attitude, and Leadership) is an evidence-based effective training session for enhancing individual and organizational performance through participation in outdoor activities and experiential learning methodology.

What is SEAL?
SEAL (Strength, Energy, Attitude, and Leadership) is an evidence-based effective training session for enhancing individual and organizational performance through participation in outdoor activities and experiential learning methodology. It generally revolves around outbound activities designed to improve leadership, communication skills, performance, planning, change management, delegation, teamwork, and motivation.
SEAL includes carefully designed physical activities to give individuals and teams the new sight of breaking the mental and physical barriers. It delivers new perspective and confidence of possibility in achieving more by pushing boundaries.
Learning experiences from the SEAL create opportunities for various understandings and insights to be generated for the participants based on their learning needs and desired outcomes.
SEAL HARDCORE is the advanced version of SEAL which contains more outdoor activities. It focuses on enhancing the strengths of each department as one functional unit. It introduces new processes, mechanics, and practical skills application, which can help in developing the leader’s commitment, passion, attitude, and teamwork.
The SEAL HARDCORE aims to strengthen the mind and body of its participants through various challenges and in-depth training.